The return of the ducks
Thanks, everybody, for your comments on yesterday’s post / Vielen Dank für alle Kommentare von gestern!
Thanks, everybody, for your comments on yesterday’s post / Vielen Dank für alle Kommentare von gestern!
Today, by special request, I’m going to blog in both German and English, instead of just in English. The title of the post merely means “Today my post will be a little bit in German”. At least that’s what I … Continue reading
The weather forecast starting tomorrow predicts temperatures of zero and above, which means that — in theory — the Neckar River will begin to un-freeze.
In today’s installment of the Neckar River under the ice and snow, the twist was that it snowed again last night and this morning.
Continuing my series this week of the Neckar River under snow and ice, I have some photos from early evening yesterday, plus photos from this morning.
… and I’m still taking photos of that same spot on the Neckar River. There’s a reason it’s referred to locally as the “Postcard Shot”, I guess.
In today’s weather update, it was snowing this morning, with a temperature reported as -15ºC/5ºF. Or maybe it was colder. I could believe it was colder.
According to our local sources, the last time the Neckar River froze over was back in 1996. The time before that was in 1920. However, with temperatures well below freezing for over a week now, the river is well on … Continue reading
Today I finally have a few follow ups to all your fabulous comments from the past few weeks. 🙂 I’ve actually been trying to post this for a while, but every time I work on it some more, I seem … Continue reading
Despite the cold temperatures today, thanks to Cooper, and despite the fact that to use my little point-and-shoot camera I have to take my gloves off, I was inspired to try to take a panoramic look at the buildings along … Continue reading