Approach of the swans

One of my classmates, Sarah, posted a comment on last week’s post about the view on the other side of the Neckarbrücke here in Tübingen, and she identifies the building that Stan commented on.

Sarah also commented about how the swans are usually on her side of the bridge, as opposed to “my” side (I live on the same side as the buildings in the “postcard shot”.  It is striking how the swans are now hanging out over on my “city” side of the bridge.

In fact, this morning on the way to class, as I passed by the part of the river that’s just past the usual “postcard shot” vantage point, I looked out and saw the stately approach of the swans:

The swans cometh, February 29, 2012

The swans cometh, February 29, 2012

OK, maybe “stately” really only describes the approach of that lead swan. The rest haven’t quite fallen into formation yet. And there are a few ducks mixed in with the swans in the background there, which add to the contents of the photo, if not to the orderly arrangement of the swans.

But it was before 9am when I took this photo.  As I have previously speculated, I think the swans — whose primary duty here in Tübingen is posing for photos — are on a 9-5 schedule. if that’s the case, then the swans in this photo hadn’t yet reported for duty this morning, which could explain their random positioning.

However, that doesn’t explain what they are doing over on my side of the river.  I guess that’s just the “Secret of the Swans”, eh? If there isn’t a book by that name, there ought to be.


Approach of the swans — 4 Comments

  1. Swans are sometimes nasty. I have seen one near where I used to live attach a passing car. the car was going slow because the swans, geese and many kinds of ducks live all year at Webster’s Pond. All throughout the day domestic geese cross the street. Cars 99% of the time slow and stop. Only once did I see a young person pass everyone and hit and kill a goose. Not nice. But the swans rule.

  2. This reminds me of a song: “Way down upon the swanee river….”

  3. Kathy, the swans are notorious around here for being a bit aggressive, so they definitely have a little bit of a reputation. Stan, cute, cute. Did the sound of my groan at your comment carry all the way across the Atlantic? 😉

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