Misty Morn’

Normally I take the same route to school in the mornings, crossing over the Neckarbrücke on the side of the bridge near the “postcard shot” buildings. However, the other morning I actually crossed the street and walked down the other side of the bridge. That allowed me to take a photo of the Neckar from that vantage point, which looks away from town.

BTW, for the longest time I have been meaning to post about a crosswalk sign that you occasionally see here in Tübingen. Not all the crosswalks in Tübingen have this sign, but I enjoy it when I spot it. It’s striking to this North American since the figure in the crosswalk is not a generic figure:

Crosswalk for men wearing hats

Crosswalk for men wearing hats

What do you think — only men in hats can cross in this location? 😉

But I digress. That sign is not actually near the Neckarbrücke, but talking about crossing the street reminded me of that photo, which I’d never had a chance to post on the blog before.

But what I really wanted to show today was the other side of the Neckar in the morning mist:

Morning mist, Neckar River, February 2012

Morning mist, Neckar River, February 2012

This photo was taken this week, after all the ice that you saw in this earlier photo had melted.


P.S. I am going to try to put a few responses to comments directly with the comments on the posts. Be sure to check the comments section for new “comments” from me with my replies.

P.P.S. A quick message to people in my class, apologizing for not having a blog post in German this week: Zu allen Leute in meinem Kurs: ich habe keine Zeit diese Woche, zu viele Sätze auf Deutsch zu schreiben. 🙁 Ich hoffe, dass ich nächste Woche mehr Zeit haben werde. Aber, vielen Dank für die ermutigende Wörte über das Schreiben auf Deutsch an meinem Blog. Schönes Wochenende und bis Montag!


Misty Morn’ — 6 Comments

  1. Love the sign. I like this view of the Neckar. I hope you take more from this side. It has a whole different vantage point that has more stories to imagine.

  2. Maybe only men wearing that type of hat can cross.:)

    The river does have a whole new life to it from this side.

  3. I like the morning mist picture and particularly the beautiful white house on the left.

  4. Thanks, everybody! I should try to walk down that side of the bridge in the morning more often. 😉 Stan, I’m not sure what the house is, but I’ll ask around and see if anyone know.

  5. Thank you, Lee, for photographing my side of the bridge! We do have more swans (usually) on this side.

    The house is actually pale pink, and is called Swabenhaus (1899)-it has a plaque. Since 1998 it has been the home of: Tübinger Hochschule für Kirchenmusik der Evangelischen Landeskirche Württemberg. Or the College of Protestant Church Music. It is wonderful to walk by it when the windows are open. It doesn’t sound like they are always playing church music in there, either-did Debussy write church music?

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