Friday Follies

I’ve got a little of this and a little of that for today’s post. First up, the results from my test today. 

I’m happy to report that I again got the equivalent of an A for both the test and the course.  Yay.

BTW, I don’t think I’ve ever really explained that the grades here are actually given in numbers not letters, with “1” being the top mark, and “6” being the bottom.  These numbers are the equivalent of the letter grades A-F that are used in the U.S., but they don’t use the letters here, just the numbers. So, what I got was a “1” on the test and the course. Yay. Thanks to all for the emails and comments wishing me luck.

Anyway, whew, another test over with. I really enjoy having the test to gauge how much I’ve learned, and where I need to focus future studying efforts. But taking a test is always taking a test.

Also, for the record, I did memorize all my “lines” correctly – I got full points in that part of the test. I guess those acting lessons as a child finally paid off, since I must have learned how to memorize a “script” quickly. 😉

Since a group of us from class had a little party this afternoon, I won’t have a chance to get responses all those blog comments done today. However, I promised one of my classmates that t I would post at least a little something  in German today on the blog. So the next paragraph is the German version of this paragraph:

Weil wir ein Party heute Abend gemacht haben, kann ich keine Antworten für die Kommentare schreiben. Trotzdem habe ich diesen Paragraph geschrieben, weil ich eine Freundin versprochen habe, dass ich heute ein bisschen auf Deutsch an meinem Blog schreiben werde. Schönes Wochenende, Sevindzh! 😉


In other news …

Berliner Time! Tuebingen

Berliner Time! Tuebingen

The most important topic for the weekend is that we’re running out of time to find the best Berliner in Tübingen. Lent starts next Wednesday, and the varieties of Berliner-style doughnuts will be greatly reduced around here after that. I have been investigating this topic over the past few weeks, and while I have tried some rather bad Berliners, and some merely mediocre Berliners, I have yet to find the ideal Berliner.

One gimmick around here at one of the bakeries (Bäckerei in German) is that the fillings can be all kinds of different and unexpected things, not just the usual jelly filling. Plus, the toppings can be varied, as we saw with that one with the cherries on top a couple of weeks ago.

Recently, I tried two from a Bäckerei that didn’t look too unusual: the one on the left has a glaze on it, the one on the right looks just like a jelly doughnut in North America.

But, never assume. While the one on the right actually did have regular purple-colored jelly of some sort inside, the one on the left was a bit of a surprise when I cut it in half:

Green filling in a Berliner, Tuebingen

Green filling in a Berliner, Tuebingen

Although it looked like bright green Jell-O, it didn’t have any specific taste that I could determine. Not that bright-green Jell-O necessarily has a particular taste, I guess. In any case, it was not my favorite, but I did try it.  Some experiments work out better than others.

Anyway, with 4 more days to go, I’ll see if I can find the perfect Berliner here in Tübingen.


Friday Follies — 5 Comments

  1. That green looks so not delicious. Green jello is lime which is okay, but somehow green filling doesn’t do it. I’m sure some would find it okay for St. Patrick’s Day but green in a donut isn’t pretty.

    How many bakeries in town. They are a disappearing store around us since the supermarkets have their own.

    Congrats on your test results.

  2. if it is sweet and green no problem-if it is lime just don’t give me slime, please. Do they celebrate St. Pat’s day? Are there Irish in Germany? At least enough to make it a big day? Any way I am proud of you for being so smart.
    I learned two new English words today and it is Erinaceous which means=Like a hedgehog. “My aren’t we looking a little erinaceous today”, the old woman said to her poodle, before taking him to a spa.

    I can’t resist this one-Mungo A dumpster diver – one who extracts valuable things from trash. “My parents were mangos and they found me one day in the back of the Chick-fil-a, right down the street from the Piggly wiggly”.

    I will have more next time.

  3. Congratulations on your test and course results!! You went back to the academic life with great enthusiasm and it paid off!! Good for you. Loving the photos of the river, etc. An ever changing subject.

  4. Lee, vielen vielen Dank. Ich hatte ein super Wochenende. Und ich freue mich sehr, weil ich den zweiten Kommentar in mein Leben schreibe. Der erste war auch für Dich. Und beide sind auf Deutsch. Warum nicht?

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