The return of the ducks

Thanks, everybody, for your comments on yesterday’s post /  Vielen Dank für alle Kommentare von gestern! 

The German in that second sentence is an approximate translation of the English in the first sentence.  Just to clarify about yesterday’s post, the English section before the photos is the same as the German section below the photos. So, that’s what that big chunk of text in German meant,  for those who asked.

Thanks to everyone – in all languages  for all the compliments on my German writing skills. I’m waiting to get corrections from my teacher on how I really did with that grammar. 😉

BTW, many thanks to her as well for accepting yesterday’s post as my “writing assignment”, instead of what we were really supposed to write about.  Vielen Dank, Eva! Du warst sehr nett, wenn ich nur an meinem Blog geschrieben habe, statt über das andere Thema geschrieben zu haben. 😉

Anyway, in other news, the Neckar River is now looking more like its normal self – very little ice is left on top, as the temperature was well above zero.  The big thing to note in these photos is the return of the ducks, who were happily swimming in the water, when they weren’t riding an ice flow.

Es gibt weniger Eis heute auf dem Neckar, weil die Temperatur mehr als null Grad war. Aber die Enten sind auch zurückgekommen –  das war schön!



The return of the ducks — 2 Comments

  1. Are you going to post bilingually from now on? I’m all for it!

    I marvel how the ducks and pigeons can handle the cold. Glad to hear you’re in a thaw now.

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