Not quite a postcard

A few technical problems with my Internet connection tonight prevented me from more than a quick post for today. But at least it has a photo.

And at least the photo isn’t just any photo. 😉  I call it an unconventional view of those buildings in that standard postcard shot in Tübingen. See what you think.

Unconventional "Postcard" Shot, Tübingen

Unconventional "Postcard" Shot, Tübingen

I should be back tomorrow with a regular post. 😉


Not quite a postcard — 4 Comments

  1. What did you use to entice the swan to appear? 🙂

    A nighttime postcard perhaps.

  2. It is an almost gloomy picture but is saved by that small, mysterious pointed reflection below the swan; and the deep blue of the reflected sky surrounded by the lacy reflections of the trees….

  3. Thanks for the feedback. Stan, I’ll try to post a picture of that pointed thing soon so you can see what it really is. 🙂

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