Last night’s opening of my Reflections photography show was great fun and as promised, today’s post has the photos Chris took of the exhibit and the opening.
I’ve put brief captions on the photos, but here are a couple of things to look for:
- There are 14 photos on display in the exhibit, all of which are in the website link I posted yesterday. I noticed that the captions aren’t displaying properly on that site, something I won’t have time to fix until the weekend. However, if you to click here to see an overview of all the photos, you can see all the titles of the photos.
- Speaking of titles, all the titles on display in the exhibit are in German. You’ll see a photo of the woman in Chris’ department who has helped us with so many things; she very kindly, and on very short notice, translated the English titles for me.
- Since the exhibit is at the Vivat Lingua language school, the 14 photos are displayed all over the school.
- 4 photos are along the stairs leading from the entrance up to the school, which is on the second floor. One of the owners of the school ran a special light to illuminate them at night last night (during the day, there is a skylight that provides lots of light there normally).
- 9 photos are along two walls in the main common area of the school, 4 on one wall, 5 on the opposite wall.
- 3 photos are in a small alcove off the main area
- There were 20-30 people at the opening
- Both Adelheid, the other owner of Vivat Lingua, and I said a few words of welcome. I did my very brief spiel all in German. My classmates were very impressed. 😉
- Adelheid also did this cute little routine about how to translated the word “Reflection” into German. What the proper spelling should be in German, e.g. Reflexion, Reflektion, etc. , is apparently quite complex. It was very cute – I’ve included a series of photos that Chris took of it so you can get a sense of how she and another teacher at the school ran through all these “ideas” for what spelling to use for the name of the exhibit. For the record, it was officially called Reflektionen, with the “k”.
- My photos were taken in both Italy and in Germany, so Adelheid got the idea to provide both Prosecco (Italian sparkling wine) and Sekt (German sparkling wine), and both Italian grissini (bread sticks) and pretzels as the snacks. Very cute idea.
I think you’ll get a good sense from Chris’ pictures that people were very engaged with the photos, which was very satisfying to see. I had some good discussions with folks about the photos throughout the evening.
Many, many thanks go to Adelheid for suggesting a do a show at the school, and to both Adelheid and Niels for providing everything from the frames, to the publicity, to the drinks, etc. Vielen, vielen Dank! And thanks as well to everyone who came to the show – it’s always great fun to do a show and have people come so you can see people’s reaction to your work.
And last, but not lease, many, many thanks to Chris for so many things, from helping with coming up with the titles, to lugging everything over to the school yesterday morning. And, of course, thanks for taking such wonderful photos of the evening!
Chris’ photos are below. Click on one the thumbnails to get that carousel view of the photos. Remember that the carousel does not open in a separate window; to get back to this blog post page, you’ll need to use your browser’s Back button.
- The event photographer’s artistic reflection
- Chris’ artistic face reflections in the photos – #4
- Chris’ artistic face reflections in the photos – #3
- Chris’ artistic face reflections in the photos – #2
- Chris’ artistic face reflections in the photos – #1
- Discussing a photo
- Sharing a laugh with a couple in my class, plus our former teacher
- Explaining aspects about the photos on the stairs
- General people scene – #3
- General people scene – #2
- General people scene – #1
- Another of our neighbors pointing out something in one of the photos
- People chatting and enjoying the opening
- Some of our neighbors also came
- Students and teachers from Vivat Lingua
- Chatting with more folks from Chris’ department
- Standing with CS from Chris’ department, who translated my photo titles into German for me
- Niels and I
- Adelheid and I
- Niels and Adelheid, the two owners of Vivat Lingua
- The “Reflection” spelling debate – photo #7
- The “Reflection” spelling debate – photo #6
- The “Reflection” spelling debate – photo #5
- The “Reflection” spelling debate – photo #4
- The “Reflection” spelling debate – photo #3
- The “Reflection” spelling debate – photo #2
- The “Reflection” spelling debate – photo #1
- Saying a few words … in German!
- Showing off where my class takes place every morning
- Mix of German and Italian drinks and snacks
- 3 more photos are in a small area off the main room
- Looking down the red couch wall from the other end of the room
- Above the red couch there are 4 photos
- Standing in front of the Boatman photo, looking across to the other wall
- Looking further back along the black couch wall
- Looking back along that same wall with the black couch
- The “Unexpected Boatman” photo is by itself at the end of that black couch wall
- Continuing along left wall, there is 1 photo above black couch
- Main common area: 2 photos are on the left-hand wall as you come into the room
- 4 photos along the stairs leading up to Vivat Lingua
Thanks Chris for letting us be “there.” Loved your reflection in one.
Looked like a fun night. And the photos on exhibition are great.
This exhibit was very impressive, not just the pictures, but the whole event. In Vancouver, it was just pictures for the fun of it. In Italy, it took you two years to go to another level and actually have an exhibit open to the public–and in a pizza place at that. (I have been in a hundred pizza places and never saw an exhibit before.)
Anyway, I liked the hand-outs with the fourteen pictures and I liked the framed one sitting on the counter. I think it was wonderful that your neighbors and people from Chris’ linguistic department came. It was brilliant for Adelheid and Neils to think of this in the first place and to carry it out with such enthusiasm including special refreshments.
However, for me, the highlight was the picture “Sharing a laugh with a couple in my class…” I don’t know why it touched me so much. I think it has something to do with the fact that in only four months, you have had such an impact on people to inspire this experience of beauty and joy and conversation. I wish I had been there to be part of it. My only consolation is that in only four months, Judie and I will be there in person to enjoy everything!
Nice pictures Chris and wonderful looking people and place.