Starting the year off with a bang

At midnight on New year’s Eve in Verona, they set off fireworks above L’Arena, the 2000-year-old Roman amphitheatre. We’d never seen that before, but timed our visit right this year to check it out. The fireworks lasted for a full 15 minutes – impressive!

Below are a few photos that I took of the fireworks. If you click on one of the small photos, you’ll see a carousel-view of larger versions of the photos. I’ve also indicated in the titles that a couple of them include  a floating lantern that was separate from the firework display. We don’t know who launched these, but paper lanterns with a flame inside floated skyward periodically during the 15 minutes the fireworks went off. At any one time, I’d say there were no more than 2 or 3 of these visible.

When we asked our Verona friends about this, they weren’t sure why there were floating lanterns, as it is not generally a tradition in Verona on New Year’s. One of our friends, who lives in Verona but who is not originally from there, thought the floating lanterns reminded her of a scene in a recent Disney movie, Tangled. Note that the movie is called Rapunzel everywhere but in the U.S., where the marketing folks thought little boys would want to see the movie if it was called Tangled, instead of Rapunzel. Seriously.

Anyway, here’s a clip on YouTube that I found of the relevant scene from the movie. Note that in the initial shot in the clip, the lantern that you see does indeed resemble what we saw floating skyward in Verona during the fireworks.  Except there weren’t thousands of them in Verona like in the movie.

Maybe next year.


Starting the year off with a bang — 6 Comments

  1. We set lanterns off for Chinese New Year each year. Last year was quite windy. I was against the whole thing, but lost the fight. Steve caught our neighbors tree on fire. The tree up against their house. It would have been comical had it not been so scary!

  2. I got one picture enlarged as usual, but somehow I got taken off the website when I closed the pictures. It must have been a lovely New Years for you both.

    As for the Tangled clip, the eyes on the girl look like a lady GaGa video entitled “Bad Romance” BTW I really like it. The eyes though are not my favorite. They guy is cute in tangle and his eyes are ok. I hear Jill singing the song. I am sure it will be heard forever.

    I can’t wait to post my first good manual photo. It might take a while and I might cheat!!!!! Vinnie wants to take the class too. So if he pays up by the deadline, I guess he will be in my class too. I would love to see Vin get involved with it.

  3. Strangely, many of the firework pictures, when enlarged, looked like planets and starts and stuff in outer space. Very nice.

  4. When I read this I wondered about the dangers of having a lantern with a flame float “freely.”

    Karen you answered my question. I still think it is too dangerous to do.

    Fireworks cause their own accidents so I’m surprised lanterns are allowed.

    Fifteen minutes seems to be the length of the firework shows in Philly too.

    Is this to keep the accidents down or can we handle only 15 minutes of dazzling displays.

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