Let it snow

When we moved to Vancouver a few years back, people there told us “It never snows here”.  But in fact it actually snowed in Vancouver. 

Then, when we moved to Bolzano a few years later, people there told us “It never snows here.” Or at least,  “it rarely snows Bolzano.” Well, guess what. Just like in Vancouver, it turned out that it did snow in Bolzano.

When we moved to Tübingen this year, someone actually did tell us that “It rarely snows in Tübingen.” But we didn’t believe it. And, in fact, someone else told us that in fact, in recent years, it has snowed quite a lot in Tübingen.

Now, until this past Sunday, we hadn’t seen any proof. But then came  a brief snow shower on Sunday… with snow that bounced like hail. Yesterday, we had a brief snow shower that stuck to the roofs of the houses, but not to the streets.

And then came today, when a pretty steady snow fall this morning coated the streets, as well as the houses in the “postcard shot”:

The "Postcard shot" in the snow

The "Postcard shot" in the snow

I did this alternate version of the photo in black and white help the snow stand out more.

"Postcard Shot" in the snow, in black and white

"Postcard Shot" in the snow, in black and white

I don’t know why there are all those big white blobs of light — is that snow? — in the photo, though. Although it was snowing quite hard when I took the photo, I wouldn’t have said there were golf-ball size snowflakes at the time.

But you never know. Until Sunday, I’d never seen snow that bounced. Chris called it the “Bumble-like” snow, after the character in the old TV version of  Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. “Bumbles bounce” is what they say that story. Bumbles bounce, and so did the first snow in Tübingen.


Let it snow — 2 Comments

  1. It is pretty as a picture, and that’s the way I prefer my snow these days.

  2. Snow seems to follow you all over the globe. maybe you should visit Syracuse and it wouldn’t snow. Yeah and pigs would fly… Beautiful snow flakes

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