‘Round and ‘Round

Since I still have more studying to do before I call it a night, I don’t have enough time to finish the main post I am planing to write about  the Christmas market. That will have to wait until tomorrow.

As I do my final round of studying for my German test tomorrow, though, I have dozens of grammar points and random vocabulary words that keep circling through my head. Which put me in mind of a couple of photos from the Christmas market, which I’ll go ahead and share today:

Spinning Carousel, Tübingen Christmas Market 2011

Spinning Carousel, Tübingen Christmas Market 2011

Horse in Motion, Carousel, Tübingen Christmas Market 2011

Horse in Motion, Carousel, Tübingen Christmas Market 2011

Crazy Carousel

Crazy Carousel

‘Round and ’round, the crazy carousel. That phrase reminded me of a song, which I had trouble placing at first, but with Chris’ help, I found a version of it on YouTube. The song is by Jacques Brel, but I didn’t have time to track down the original version.  Maybe tomorrow, after the test, when all those verb forms, and the words we have to memorize for going to the post office and  the bank, have stopped spinning their way through my mind. 😉


‘Round and ‘Round — 1 Comment

  1. I am dizzy as i listen to that song. Look at your pictures and relize I have only ` week left to get ready for my new job, christmas and wonder what the hell I am going to do with three packages of frames for 24″ x 36″ that are too thin to frame a canvas and I have a show in January. This song is perfect for that too. MESHUGGINA is a good word in Yiddish and I notice it is same word in German. also a Farshlugginer: Refers to a mixed-up or shaken item. Generally indicates something of little or dubious value- don’t know if they have the same meanings in German as Yiddish or if Yiddish is used in Germany like it is here???

    Mozel Tov on the German Test! or gluck. I like Gluck which has umlaut over the u better as it seems like a contraction between the English Good and luck. More precise and efficient.

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