A Light in the Window

My German course  has a special afternoon session on Thursdays, which puts me at the Neckar River bridge later in the day than normal. Today, the sky had been bright and blue in the morning, but by the time class let out, it had turned a bit gray.  Today is the first day this week it hasn’t rained most of the day, actually.  Anyway, because the sky had turned so gloomy, I was started to see “lights” in the windows of those houses that are along the Neckar River. It was surprising because it wasn’t dark enough for so many windows to have lights coming from inside the houses.

But in fact, the “lights” were the result of a brief moment of sunlight peeking through the gray clouds. In that moment, the sunlight reflected off the windows.  The photo below is what those windows looked like when reflected in the water.

Lights in the windows, Tübingen

Lights in the windows, Tübingen

Seeing that reminds me of my mother’s question from the other day about holiday decorations on houses here. The short answer is that we haven’t seen houses decorated here in Tübingen, like you might find in North America. So, by and large there no Christmas lights used as decorations to be seen other than in the streets and on windows of shops. However, nature provided a nice set of lights to decorate those houses today … not a bad substitute.


A Light in the Window — 6 Comments

  1. Boy, this river is a great place for reflections. Yes, a perfect mother nature xmas decoration.

  2. Really! I wonder whether people decorate INSIDE their homes. After all, these are the people who invented Christmas trees…

  3. Good point – and they do have Christmas trees and ornaments for sale here, and stores have them set up. So people must have them in their houses, maybe just not in the windows.

  4. Intriguing picture as usual. The little white rectangles stand out nicely in an irregular pattern.

  5. Thanks, Stan! I just loved out it looked like all the windows were lit up in that irregular pattern.

  6. Beautiful your photos are starting to become reality to me even though they are reflections…..

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