Colors of Sunset

Is  the glass half empty or half full? It depends on your point of view, of course. Today I spent quite a while writing a blog post today, and then there was a computer glitch and most of it vanished. Argh. That’s the glass half empty part.

However, since it was too late to rewrite it tonight, I decided to post a photo I took a while back of a pretty sunset here in Tübingen:

Sunset over Tübingen, September 20011

Sunset over Tübingen, September 20011

It was the view from the top of those 59 steps.  It’s a view we don’t easily have from our apartment now, since it’s in the town at the bottom of that hill.

So, although it has nothing to do with anything, a pretty photo is never a bad thing, right? And I wouldn’t have posted it today were it not for my lost blog post draft.

I guess that could make that glass half full, right?


Colors of Sunset — 3 Comments

  1. Bob and I don’t have glasses or any kind of container to metaphorically describe stuff. It is either we are in tune or outta tune. Any way since we dance to a different beat, it really isn’t important as long as we dance.

  2. Oh this is quite a nice picture. I swear I just mixed up some of that red-blue color for a painting yesterday. It is odd because I opened this 2 times. the first there was no text and just a big black rectangle. Then this time some text but now photo. After I typed the above I saw the photo. I love it and want to call it Just before midnight. Even tough it is after sunset and way earlier than midnight.

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