According to Goethe

CC ran across this fun quote from Goethe:

Die beste Bildung findet ein gescheiter Mensch auf Reisen.
The best education for a clever person is found in travel.

– J.W. von Goethe, Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre

I like it.

And perhaps the fact that we travel a lot helped me be clever today in my German class, since I got the equivalent of an “A” on our big test. Woohoo! It’s the first test I’ve taken in a long time. I can honestly say that I was more interested to find out what I’d learned so far, and what material that we’d covered will need more study before I start the next level class (on Monday). After all, I’m not taking the class for a grade, I want to be able to go out and speak in German as I wander around Tübingen every day. Which is a nice way to take a class, i.e. when you don’t really have to worry about the final grade.

One of the things I missed on the test, though, was how you say,”The sun is shining,” in German, which is Die Sonne scheint. The fact that I missed that wasn’t my fault, though. I could see through the classroom window that it was pouring rain all morning while we were taking  the test. I would also like to note that I did correctly write on the test paper the German phrase for saying, “It is raining,” Es regnet.

See, I just need the proper inspiration for speaking German. That sun is shining phrase wasn’t going to be at all useful today… 😉


According to Goethe — 2 Comments

  1. The A is still good.

    “Travel broadens the mind” is another saying I’ve heard.

    But I like the translation of Goethe better.

  2. The sun is shining is not very useul in Syracuse. It is not for over 250 days per year and someone might fall over dead from shock if you said that. Or they would think this woman is nuts. thanks for the good quote I will put it up on my FB. (f) without going to it from here. Is the second line the translator?

    Oh I met a young girl working for Obama, she is the niece of Terry Mcauliffe. She has applied for the Peace core in Africa, not sure where. I told her about Chris and she can set up my Skype…. Do you think he would like to talk to her and answer some of her questions? She is an ESF grad her in Syracuse, that is Enviormental Science and Forestry. Very prestigious school and she is just as down to Earth as you guys. I real treat to know. Let me know so I can tell her. She would be over joyed.

    Linda, as far as getting an A, I am not surprised. However congrats to you. I can’t wait to visit so that you can show me around. I am most likely looking at the fall of 2012. Would there be a room or hostile I could stay at??? I figure that I would visit Germany since I probably will be alone. The country is ripe with Art and Architecture. It is a shame I will not be able to taste their beer. Yuck. However they have other stuff to sample. I will try to recognize certain things that will help navigate around. But hey! when you have a bad sense of direction and don’t know the language you are really ——!

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