Quick Postcard from Tübingen

Our Internet connection at the vacation apartment has been sporadic at the best of times all month. Today, it apparently decided it needed a periodic vacation, as it went in and out every time I tried to access the web, which made it a bit difficult to do anything on the blog.

However, we were also in and out all day, as we gear up to move the last bit down to the new apartment either Wednesday or Thursday this week. Between running around with all the errands and my German class, there wasn’t much time to work on a blog post, so for today I’ll offer just a couple of quick “postcard” looks at the Neckar river.

First, another stab at that “standard postcard shot” of the medieval city buildings by the Neckar River:

"Standard" postcard shot, Tübingen

"Standard" postcard shot, Tübingen

And another view of the same buildings at the same spot on the Neckar, but not quite your standard postcard shot.

Reflection of buildings, Nekar River, Tübingen

Reflection of buildings, Neckar River, Tübingen

So, Bis Morgen – until tomorrow!
See, I have been learning something in my German class. 🙂


Quick Postcard from Tübingen — 3 Comments

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