Moving up

Our temporary “vacation” apartment here in Tübingen is quite nice: lots of light, modern fixtures, pretty comfortable bed. There’s even a dishwasher in the kitchen, something we didn’t have in our 3 years in Bolzano.

Apartment Interior

Apartment Interior

And the view from that room in the other directions is nothing short of spectacular:

View from the living room of the vacation apartment, Tübingen

View from the living room of the vacation apartment, Tübingen

Those are the Swabian Alps off in the distance, and there’s a castle out way out there too, which you can’t see too clearly in that photo, unfortunately. Trust me, it’s there.

We’re in a ground floor apartment of a house built on a hill, which makes sense since in order to get that view from our apartment you have to be fairly high up. The road the house is on is rather below the level of the house, so the only way into the house is to climb up a few steps.

59 steps, to be precise.

The 59 Steps - first part before the turn

The 59 Steps - first part before the turn

The 59 Steps - second part

The 59 Steps - second part

A UPS delivery guy and I had a little bi-lingual discussion about him carrying the 11 items we’d shipped to ourselves up those very 59 steps. I wanted him to bring all the items to the door; he didn’t want to deliver past the bottom of the first part of the steps. Our discussion was initially him speaking in German, me speaking in English, with each of us claiming not to speak the other’s language.

Now, I really don’t speak German, so all I could do is smile sweetly, point from the truck up the stairs, and explain in English that I wanted the boxes carried up to our door. He would then reply in German, saying that he didn’t speak English; this would be followed by a brief diatribe in German about how he wasn’t going to carry the boxes up the steps.

This could have gone on forever, although I think it was only over a period of a few minutes that we did our little routine. I did begin to wonder what I could really do if the UPS guy refused to carry the boxes up the steps. However finally, in sheer frustration, the UPS guy added a new line the end of his German rant: “Not my problem!”.

But he said it in English.

Aha! Since I had been saying it was his problem to get the boxes to the door, since that’s what I’d paid for, his little addendum revealed he’d probably understood my arguments all along. Make a note: if you ever want to win a contest of wills during a conversation where each side claims not to speak the other’s language, be sure not to reveal you actually do speak the language if you want to triumph in the argument. Seriously. Once I figured out he did speak English, he’d lost his advantage. So, ultimately it was my arguments which carried the day, while the UPS guy was stuck carrying the boxes up the 59 steps. I did give him a generous tip for his troubles, but he didn’t seem all that mollified when he left.

Needless to say, we can’t ever ship anything else to ourselves via UPS while we live in this apartment. Not unless I want to carry the boxes up the 59 steps myself…


Moving up — 9 Comments

  1. Those steps! that would make a nice short story called, “the Fifty Nine Steps.” At the end murder, but whose and what were in those packages? But of course you solved the problem. I wonder if the person was Bob if he would have done that? I doubt it. And me. I would have fainted. You did very well and I guess you understand German. I can’t wait to hear more.

  2. You should learn a little Russian and put the fear of God in all those pesky western Europeans. Something along the lines of ” we will bury you” should do the trick! Oh, wait. You probably want to make friends, huh?

  3. Thanks! The apartment is very pretty and modern, although oddly enough, after 3 years with a gas stove I’m missing that now that we have an electric stove again. Go figure.

  4. The special white pointy tents are for a Provencal festival that starts on Thursday this week (and runs through the weekend. The other stalls are the regular M, W, F open air fruit, produce et al market. I’ll be bloggin about that market later in the week, I think, plus I’ll try to get some photos up of the Provencal festival this weekend – it’s one of the biggest festivals in Tübingen, apparently.

  5. I like the idea for the story … I’ll look forward to reading it when you write it. 😉 I do think if Chris had been there/with me the UPS guy wouldn’t have caved in and carried stuff up the steps. But with just me, I’m stubborn enough not to take no for an answer, in any language. 😉

  6. My, my, Stuart, you must be having one of those weeks or just in one of those moods, eh? 😉 Yes, I think I’ll take the friends approach, although I don’t need the UPS guy to be my friend, just to be the porter to carry the bags up the steps… 😉

  7. I was stunned at how pretty and modern your apartment is. I guess I wouldn’t mind taking a vacation there!

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